Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Swamp House Making Of - Part 2

This is part 2 of 3.
For part 1, click here.

I wanted to add a second story room, where the window is cut into the roof of the house. I used more foamcore for the wals and matchsticks for the window frame. I also needed to cat away into the ceiling so that when I use the LED light the top window also lights up.

Next I made the chimney. I kept this flat as I was going to try add some brick texture using clay. Compressed foam would have been a better solution, but I thought I would try the technique out.

I found this cardboard at my local art shop. Thought it would make a great corrugated metal sheet texture.

I cut it into strips and overlapped some of the sections.

I decided to place the house on a wooden deck, and will maybe add some stilts like a real swamp house.

Last few details on the house was to add a little roof by the front door, and do the clay brick texture on the chimney.

In Step 3, I will cover painting this little house as a rotten dilapidated little swamp shack! 

Click here for Part 3

McMourning Tournament

A while ago I played a 50ss Malifaux Tournament with my McMourning crew. The mats are available at



Monday, September 26, 2016

Swamp House Making Of - Part 1

I was planning an old swamp cottage with skew walls and an exaggerated perspective. So I started with a rough sketch.

I use foam board to create the main house structures like the walls. I first measure and draw out the whole plan onto the board, and then cut it out.

After the first walls are cut, i check to make sure my scale is correct. This is better to do sooner than later.

Using matchsticks and balsa wood, I cut and glue window frame details

Work in some detail for the door by pressing into foam board using an embossing tool. Ballpoint pens also work pretty well for this.

I then finally assemble all the walls together.

I measure and cut out two pieces of flat cardboard which makes the rooftop. I will still ad some more material to this part depending on the texture I want.

Before moving on to step 2, I wanted to show the result of a little idea I had while  building this. I thought it would be great to include some real light effects by placing an LED inside the house.

Click here for Part 2

Malifaux - Whiskey Golem

The Whiskey Golem from Wyrd's Malifaux

Malifaux Dead Rider

The Dead Rider from Wyrd's Malifaux. 1st Place for Wyrd's Rotten Harvest painting competition.